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When it is unsafe for an individual from another country to return home or their country is unable to handle the return of its nationals, they may be granted TPS, or Temporary Protected Status from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) until it is safe for them to return back to the foreign country. For instance, if there is an ongoing armed conflict occurring in your country or other extraordinary conditions exist, either would suffice as a valid reason for applying for TPS.

Who Can Apply for TPS?

Anyone from the following list of countries is eligible to apply for TPS and may be granted this benefit given they meet USCIS’s other criteria which is outlined for you below.

  • El Salvador
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Nepal
  • Nicaragua
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • South Sudan
  • Syria
  • Yemen

Other eligibility requirements USCIS requires you to meet in order to apply for TPS:

  • You “must file during USCIS’s open initial registration or re-registration period, or you must meet the requirements for late initial filing during any extension of your country’s TPS designation.”
  • Have been “continuously physically present (CPP) in the United States since the effective date of the most recent designation date of your country.”
  • Have been continuously residing (CR) in the United States since the date USCIS has specified for your country. To find out what this date is, you can click here for a list of all the participating countries and then select your country.

If you aren’t sure whether you qualify for TPS or you are currently residing in Atlanta, GA and would like assistance with applying for it, the Atlanta, GA immigration attorneys at Kuck | Baxter Immigration are here to help you. Our attorneys possess a great deal of experience in handling immigration-related matters and would be more than happy to help you and your loved ones obtain the protection you are seeking to avoid from having to return home to unsafe and dangerous conditions.

Benefits You Receive When You are Granted TPS

In the event you are considered to be “preliminarily eligible” for TPS after your case has undergone an initial review, these are the benefits you would receive:


  • You are not removable from the United States. This means that if you are stopped by an officer, he/she cannot accuse you of residing in the U.S. illegally and you are not at risk of being detained.
  • You can obtain an employment authorization document (EAD).
  • You may receive travel authorization.


Now, if USCIS grants you TPS, you can expect to receive the following benefits:


  • As a TPS beneficiary, you cannot be detained by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Imagine how relieved you would feel knowing you are permitted to stay in the U.S. and in a more secure setting that doesn’t put your life or those who traveled with you in danger as it would be back in your home country.
  • You can apply for nonimmigrant status.
  • You are permitted to file for adjustment of status based on an immigrant petition.
  • You may apply for additional benefits or protection given you qualify for them.

If you would like to learn more about TPS and receive an in-depth explanation on the benefits you would receive given you qualify for it and are granted the protection, contact our firm today to speak with a trusted Atlanta, GA immigration lawyer.

Kuck | Baxter Immigration Partners LLC can be reached at:

365 Northridge Road, Suite 300

Atlanta, GA 30350

